Everyone Deserves Underwear (E.D.U.)

Going to school should be an exciting time in a child’s life.

It is a time when they are discovering who they are and the impact they can make in this world. For some children, going to school can be filled with anxiety, fear, and uncertainty.

E.D.U. (Everyone Deserve Underwear) program wants to help ease the stress on students so they can thrive in their school and personal lives.

Logo displaying text 'Everyone Deserves Underwear' with colorful letters 'E.D.U.', surrounded by splattered paint and blue handprints, featuring the slogan 'Keep It Brief!' on a brick wall background. Supporting deserving students at title 1 schools.
A group of children being served food outdoors by a woman. The children are holding metal bowls filled with rice and other food. The woman is scooping food from a large pot on a table covered with a white cloth.

Addressing the issue of student homelessness is vital to the future of our communities.

We want to ensure that our youth receive the necessary support to break the cycle of poverty and tackle the many challenges they face like: 

  • Absenteeism

  • Hunger

  • Bullying

  • Sexual Violence

  • Substance Abuse

  • Depression

  • Lack of basic needs (e.g., hygiene products, underwear, access to showers, etc)

The Institute for Children, Poverty & Homelessness (ICPH) estimates that there are over 1.5 million students experience some homelessness during the school year.

Each of these students has different and unique experiences with homelessness and the place they call ‘home.’

Infographic illustrating housing situations for homeless people: 12% in shelters, 74% doubled-up on couches or with others, 7% in hotels or motels, and 7% unsheltered in cars or other non-habitation spaces.
A classroom with students sitting at desks, some raising their hands. A teacher stands in front of a large screen, pointing forward. The room has decorations hanging from the ceiling.

Our Vision

Our vision is that children should be able to focus on learning life skills and not have to worry about having clean underwear to wear to school.

Diverse group of smiling schoolchildren with backpacks standing in a line outdoors, showing camaraderie.

E.D.U. Goal

The goal of the Everyone Deserves Underwear (E.D.U.) program is to partner with School Administrators and the School Nurse's Associations to boost self-esteem and confidence in students so they can focus on building their future and not their wardrobe.

E.D.U. Helps To Fill The Gaps

Even though there are federal laws and regulations in place for supporting homeless students, many school districts still fall short in terms of funding and resources to provide necessities like underwear. The E.D.U. program will help fill some of the gaps that Acts like the McKinney-Vento and Every Student Succeed cannot fully cover.

Infographic titled "How Do McKinney-Vento Funds Help Homeless Students?" with icons representing services: transportation, tutors and academic supports, specialized training for staff, and basic school supplies.
Group of diverse young adults smiling outdoors, posing closely together, suggesting friendship and unity. Trees and a fence in the background.

Pilot Program in Phoenix Arizona

We are excited to launch the pilot program for E.D.U in Phoenix, AZ, Maricopa County. We will work closely with the School Nurses Committee of the Department of Education to identify school districts that need our services. 

Arizona Stats and Facts from the Center for Homeless Education: AZ Stats and Facts

With your support and partnership, the E.D.U. Program will support homeless students trying to create a better future for themselves and their families.

If you are interested in learning more about our E.D.U. Program please send an email to contactus@undiechest.org.

Why Teachers and School Nurses are Essential in Our Mission

Teachers are the guides of tomorrow. They instill confidence, knowledge, and values to help our children succeed. Their dedication and passion create an environment where students can learn, grow, and discover their potential. 

Together with our teachers, our school nurses provide a haven of support for students' physical and emotional well-being. They are a guardian for students who don't receive all the support they need from home and can help provide relief from circumstances beyond their control. 

The E.D.U. program aims to partner with school administrators and the school nurses' associations by providing the overlooked resources of underwear to boost self-esteem and confidence in students so they can focus on building their future, not their wardrobe.

Without the cooperation and dedication of our school nurses and teachers, the Undie Chest would fail to achieve our mission of fostering healthier communities through underwear donations.

The Barbara J. Birks Above and Beyond Award


Teaching and school administration are not just professions; they require passion, commitment, and creative approaches to inspire and engage students.

At the Undie Chest, we recognize this commitment and want to extend our gratitude and celebrate these efforts. The Above and Beyond award was created to honor Barbara J. Birks, mother of Founder Elaine Birks-Mitchell, who passed away on January 3, 2024, in Gilbert, AZ.

Image of Barbara J Birks Above & Beyond Appreciation Award poster, featuring text about recognizing exceptional school nurses and teachers. Includes a logo for The Undie Chest and a website URL undiechest.org. Background shows a smiling woman with curly hair, and a smaller image of an older woman with flowers in the bottom left corner.

The award recognizes school nurses and teachers across all grade levels who consistently go above and beyond their duties to unlock the potential of their students.

It acknowledges the invaluable contributions of our school nurses and teachers and expresses our gratitude for their tireless efforts in maintaining a safe and healthy environment within educational institutions.

The Undie Chest will be accepting nominations for exceptional educators who have made transformative impacts on their students.